BLOGMAS...Day 4 Getting our tree and decorating it

So we are getting our tree this weekend and I can not wait. It will be our first real tree ever as a couple and I am soooo excited. I wish I had found a proper tree farm to go to but I just ran out of time so it will be from a supermarket or garden centre. At the end of the day they all come out the same, just means I won't have to go and buy wellies to go and the tree.

So we bought some more decorations for the tree and I saved some decorations which we thought got damaged during the move. So we won't have to take out a second mortgage/loan to replace the broken decorations. I have also decided to retire the tinsel from our tree. I think I have seen so many lovely ones that don't have any on, so I'm breaking with tradition (for me any way.)
So now fast forward to Sunday (we ran out of time on Saturday) and we went off quite happy to buy the tree. We got to the tree place and there were massive ones which I wanted (but didn't get-No Downton sized Christmas tree for me this year.😭) In the end we finally agreed on a 6 foot tree and we did get it in the car (Nissan Micra-in case any one was wondering!)

We got home and we took it out into the garden and gave it a good shake (shake like a Polaroid picture-name that tune!!) No bugs in the house for us (you know I hate bugs-yuck!) Then we had to saw a piece off and luckily no fingers were lost in the process (I was quite nervous though.) I'm going to save the little bit we cut off and put it in a frame with pics from this year as a nice keep sake.

Right back to the tree, I then untangled the lights and started to wrap them around the tree (might have missed a lower layer-oops! We had to get new lights this year because our other ones got damaged in the move. We used to have multicoloured lights but this year I just wanted to go back to just warm twinkly lights. Then I just started added baubles to the tree, some were the new ones and some were old ones. I think the tree is so pretty and I really feel that it suits how I feel about where I am in my life too (too deep I know-OK it just looks pretty and leave it at that!)

To be honest I was surprised at my self normally my tree is stuffed with decorations but this year, I went for the sophisticated look (at the top of the blog is this years tree,) Mum does always say less is more and normally I would disagree with her-but I like this look this year! I have been loving the more delicate and more grown up looks I see all over pinterest, I think I pinned about a million tree decoration idea pins-then I did my own thing-🙈!

although there were some which were so full of decorations that I was worried that it may topple over and squish someone. So I still have more decorating to be done so I best get on it. I would just like to say that I have been quite restrained, I did want a tree for the hall and a little one of the kitchen table but I resisted. I think, I should reward my self by watching a Christmas film in my Christmas pudding onsie on the new DVD player we bought today-actually it was free (got a nice gift card from Currys-just in time to drive hubby mad with festive DVD's, Disney and Pixart-haha😉😂!!)

Sorry the Blog is quite late but I had to go and get the tree and then decorate it!!! In hindsight I should have done the blog for tomorrow.....Oop-sorry!!!
Toodles my little baubles xx