BLOGMAS...Day 2 Making a home made wreath....

So day 2 is all about wreaths, doesn't sound that fun right well I made mine for starters (for the main door any way.) I may have wreaths on every door in my house by the 24th if I'm not careful. I could have at least 7 wreaths up by the end of it.....and you thought 3 Advent Calendars was excessive!!! Oh well!!!
Any way I wanted to make a Christmas wreath as well because I saw so many cute ones on Pinterest and on Etsy that cost a small fortune (might have needed to take out a second morgage-lol!!) So as I normally do, I'm like I can do that. I think it's a creative person thing-why pay someone else when you can do it (ok maybe not as perfect as Etsy or Not on the High Street-I never said I was a professional at it-lol!!)
So I decided that my wreath was going to be fairly simple so I wrapped white wool with silvery sparkly thread in it all the way round the ring and then I decided that little holly leaves and berries would be so cute. I wanted it to feel like the wreath was snowy.
It did take ages to wrap the wool round so I sat on the sofa and watching TV while I did it (think it was a festive cooking show.) It's not perfect as you can see because I kept getting distracted by the food!!
The decorations are made out of felt (again-I have a lot still to use) because it's quite an easy thing to work with and versatile. The wreath was made over a couple of weeks (so there maybe a few different outfit changes-yes I am in a onsie in some of the pics-shhhh don't judge me!!)
The only thing I would say is don't used a needle felting tool while watching TV as it became quite a dangerous craft, those needles are really sharp and bloody hurt when you stab your self with 6 of them in one go....ouch!! (First Blogmas injury-😭) It's actually quite lucky I'm not on Warfrin any more becuase that would have been a disaster......that would have been the end of Christmas crafts for me-😭!!!
I'm trying to do sooooo many nice handmade things for Christmas and Blogmas this year. I've got a list as long as my arm to do because I've not been able to do them up unitl now. My brain is brimming with ideas, that it's like over stuffed Christmas stocking. It would all spill out as soon as you peek inside. I do need to give myself a bit of a break though, as it has only been 2 months post transplant (seems like ages ago now-weird!) I just keep forgetting that and I need to be realistic, that I won't be able to create a magical Winter Wonderland in the short time I have left. I can give it a damb good go though!!

I am doing all these lovely things and next year will be even more amazing and everything will be hand made, Christmas decorations, home things, and gifts (yeh right-I say that now.) It's all well and good me saying this but I'm not Kirsty Allsop with team of Elves behind the scenes (although I have roped in/persuaded to have some lovely friends help me-thanks ladies!!)
So when I was writing this, my wreath wasn't quite finished so I am going to dash off and finish it so I can finish it in time.
(Time Lapse-festive music playing-falalalala)
As if by magic, it's now hanging on my front door proudly and ready to welcome all my festive guests.
Toodles my little mince pies xx